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Traffic mitigation with FlowSpec

1. Overview

In a Telecom Service Provider environment, it is not unusual to observe unexpected traffic fluctuation targeting customer sites. In such situation the Service Provider can implement a specifically tailored infrastructure to identify and filter unwanted traffic. We distinguish 2 components:

  • Detection component
  • Mitigation component

This cookbook describe a setup that combines: - FoD (Firewall on Demand) component identifying unwanted traffic - RARE using freeRtr as control plane acting as a mitigation box

2. Configuration

2.a Enabling BGP FlowSpec

FlowSpec support via BGP is enabled within the respective router bgp[46] config: First of all, the flowspec has to be added as an supported addres family for the router itself, as well as all respective peers. This enables the receiving of FlowSpec rules via such BGP peers and populating these rules into the FlowSpec database of that router. Local mitigation rules specified by a manually defined policy-map can be imported into the flowspec database for the router by flowspec-advert config parameter and this also will enable the sending of these rules via BGP by the router to all configured peers which support this. Processing of these FlowSpec rules in the FlowSpec database of the router, i.e. installation of these rules in the special FlowSpec-specific policy-map for the vrf of the router is enabled by bgp config option flowspec-install.

router bgp4 1
 vrf CORE
 local-as 1
 no safe-ebgp
 address-family unicast flowspec
 flowspec-advert flowspec-v4
 neighbor remote-as 1001
 neighbor local-as 2001
 neighbor address-family unicast flowspec
 neighbor distance 30
 neighbor send-community standard extended
 redistribute connected
 redistribute uni2flow4 1

2.b Local rules samples

These local rules are installed into BGP flowspec databse Here is an example of a manually defined policy-map. It can be used with Flowspec by applying the flowspec-advert (see above).

access-list rule1
 sequence 10 deny 6 123-129 200-400
 sequence 20 deny 6 123-129 200-400
 sequence 30 deny 7 123-129 200-400
 sequence 80 deny 7 123-129 200-400
policy-map flowspec-v4
 sequence 1 action drop
 sequence 1 match access-group rule1

3. Verification

BGP Flowspec operation verification with Freertr CLI commands:

  • show locally defined rules (via manually defined policy-map), which can be imported in the router by flowspec-advert config,

    show policy-map flowspec-v4 # dump local rules defined in policy-map flowspec-v4

  • show the flowspec connection summary for a specific bgp router,

    show ipv4 bgp 1 flowspec summary 

  • show the flowspec database of a specific bgp router (locally or received via BGP),

    show ipv4 bgp 1 flowspec database # show FlowSpec rules defined locally or received 

  • show the special, flowspec-specific policy-map (including mitigation counters) for a specific vrf (for all flowspec rules in flowspec databases for each every router which is assigned to that vrf ???)

    show policy-map flowspec CORE ipv4 # replace CORE by vrf name # dump FlowSpec statistics

4 Firewall-On-Demand (FoD)

FoD in a nutshell

Firewall-On-Demand (FoD) is a server application for multi-tenant DDoS mitigation in a core network. FoD allow the specification of FlowSpec rules and their apllication on connected routers of a core network, restricted according on the users access rights based traffic's target IP prefix. The applied rules are to be propagated via BGP. With FoD users are enabled to apply FlowSpec rules in the core network only for the network traffic targeted to/from their organization, i.e., network traffic traversing the core network towards/from their network access points.

FoD installation with freeRtr

FoD version with exabgp support is used to enable BGP peering with Freertr in order to distribute FlowSpec rules via a specific BGP Address Family (SAFI). - From FoD perspective, configure exabgp peering configuration (peer AS, peer node id, peer ipv4 address). - Similarly, from Freertr control plane standpoint, you can apply this sample configuration (especially the router bgp4 1 config part) assuming the FoD ip address used for BGP peering is

You can find a docker-compose sample setup with FoD and Freertr and attacker/victim host containers.

5 Docker-compose demo

FoD has support for running inside a Docker container and, especially for testing and demonstration purposes, can be coupled with RARE/freeRtr running in another container. Based on this, a script is provided to allow for an integrated, simple demonstration of mitigation via FoD: In this demo example traffic between an attacker host container towards and victim host container inter-connected via the Freertr container is mitigated by Freertr with the respective FlowSpec rule controlled by FoD.

  • Script for setting up and running the demo:

Steps to run the demo:

# prerequistes: docker, docker-compose

#clone repo: 
git clone && cd ./FOD

#switch to correct branch: 
git checkout feature/exabgp_support2

#run demo script: 
./docker-compose/ # from main dir


host1 (attacker) - freertr - host2 (victim)

Example output

This is an sample outout of a blocking rule src= dst= proto=icmp

Here an excerpt of the output of a run of the demo script, illustrating the blocking rule in action, is given. It consists of the output of the various Freertr CLI command for status interrogation utilized by the demo script, run before and after the installation of the blocking rule:

... (after the blocking rule rule was installed by FoD on FreeRtr via FlowSpec)

./docker-compose/ status and freertr policy-map and block counters before the ping to be blocked:
line ready
15802c338fa3#show ipv4 bgp 1 flowspec summary                                 
neighbor     as    learn  accept  will  done  uptime  1001  1      1       1     1     03:47:25

15802c338fa3#show ipv4 bgp 1 flowspec database                                
prefix                                     hop          metric      aspath
f01:200a:20a:c02:200a:10a:b03:8101#:: 0:0  30/100/0/0  1001

15802c338fa3#show ipv4 bgp 1 flowspec database                                
prefix                                     hop          metric      aspath
f01:200a:20a:c02:200a:10a:b03:8101#:: 0:0  30/100/0/0  1001

15802c338fa3#show policy-map flowspec CORE ipv4                               
seq  chld  queue  intrvl  byt/int  rxb  rxp  trnsmt                      ace
1    0     0/128  100     0        0    0    tx=0(0) rx=0(0) drp=0(0)    1-1 ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff all ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff all
2    0     0/128  100     0        378  7    tx=378(7) rx=0(0) drp=0(0)

see you later

./docker-compose/ ping to block:
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

--- ping statistics ---
7 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 6137ms

./docker-compose/ freertr policy-map and block counters after blocking the ping:
line ready
15802c338fa3#show ipv4 bgp 1 flowspec summary                                 
neighbor     as    learn  accept  will  done  uptime  1001  1      1       1     1     03:47:42

15802c338fa3#show ipv4 bgp 1 flowspec database                                
prefix                                     hop          metric      aspath
f01:200a:20a:c02:200a:10a:b03:8101#:: 0:0  30/100/0/0  1001

15802c338fa3#show policy-map flowspec CORE ipv4                               
seq  chld  queue  intrvl  byt/int  rxb  rxp  trnsmt                       ace
1    0     0/128  100     0        588  7    tx=0(0) rx=0(0) drp=588(7)   1-1 ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff all ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff all
2    0     0/128  100     0        517  10   tx=517(10) rx=0(0) drp=0(0)

see you later

6 ContainerLab demo